North Point Yacht Sales is a retailer of new and consigned yachts in the Chesapeake Bay. They sell and buy out of their brick and mortar office, as well as online.

In addition to an easy-to-use inventory linked to their point of sale system, North Point also wanted a more luxurious look at some of the new models they regularly offer. I developed pages for their standard manufacturers as well as each of their current available models, showcasing their signature look and features. These pages allow the customer to get a better look at some of these models outside of what the online listing might offer, as well as view more detailed specs for each model. These pages were made to be responsive for mobile, so even customers on the go can clearly see the galleries for each item.

North Point Yacht Sales also features a hero video that brings the customer into the world of the yachts they sell, enticing them with a fun and fast paced look at some of the items they sell out on the water.

Project Info

  • Client:North Point Yacht Sales
  • Categories:Web Design
  • Tags:north point yacht sales, website